General Information
Phone Numbers
(910) 253-4730
Emergencies: Dial 911
4140A Southport-Supply Road
St. James,

Be Prepared

Be Prepared for Challenging Events

From weather-related events to other hazards that can challenge your family's safety, we have gathered resources that cover a wide range of topics to help you prepare and plan. Some information is directly linked to our locality while other information is broader in scope.

Note the subject-specific links in the FEMA section for the website. While we have posted some of the FEMA documents here for direct download, you'll find that offers considerably more.

Please review items of interest and reach out to our Emergency Management staff with questions or suggestions.

St. James Emergency Management email:

Local Preparation and Safety

Description/Title  (click each title to open it in a new browser tab)Pages
Suggested Dos and Don'ts2
Important Local Phone Numbers
Town of St. James Road Map - Exit Gate Evacuation Reference1
2022 Outlook, Storm Surge Webinar (video link)N/A
2022 Outlook, Storm Surge Webinar (presentation slides)45
2022 St. James Beach Weather and Surf Safety Webinar (video link)N/A
2022 St. James Beach Weather and Surf Safety Webinar (presentation slides)46
Duke Energy Emergency Plan - Brunswick Nuclear Plant15
Brunswick Electric Hurricane Preparation Guide8
NOAA Extreme Weather Info Sheet - Southeast North Carolina 2
Brunswick County Access & Functional Needs Program (website)N/A (website)N/A 


FEMA Preparation Documents and Additional Resources

Description/Title  (click each title to open it in a new browser tab, or click    to get even more info at Pages More Info
12 Ways to Prepare (postcard)
 A Guide for Alerts and Warnings40 
Create Your Family Emergency Communication Plan (interactive online plan builder)8
Document and Insure Your Property6 
Emergency Financial First Aid Kit41 
Emergency Supply List2 
Prepare Your Pets for Disasters2
Your Disaster Checklist4 
Be Prepared for an Active Shooter2
Be Prepared for a Cyberattack2
Be Prepared for an Earthquake2
Be Prepared for Extreme Heat2
Be Prepared for a Financial Emergency2 
Be Prepared for a Flood2
Be Prepared for a Hurricane2
Be Prepared for a Novel Pandemic2
Be Prepared for a Nuclear Explosion2
Be Prepared for a Power Outage2
Be Prepared for a Thunderstorm, Lightning or Hail2
Be Prepared for a Tornado2
Be Prepared for a Tsunami2
Be Prepared for a Wildfire2
Be Prepared for a Winter Storm2